Informing with Open Data: Lyme Disease and Ticks

Nova Scotians are encouraged to spend time outdoors, be active and remember to protect themselves against tick bites, which is the best way to prevent Lyme disease. There are several kinds of ticks in Nova Scotia, but only the blacklegged tick carries the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, and not all blacklegged ticks carry the bacteria.

The Blacklegged Tick in Nova Scotia

Ticks like moist and humid environments and live in or near woods, shrubs, and long grass - places with shade and leaf litter to provide cover. Blacklegged ticks, also known as Deer Ticks, cannot jump or fly. Instead, they climb onto vegetation, such as shrubs and grasses, and when you brush against them they will climb onto your body and try to attach to your skin and feed. They are very small, which makes them hard to spot and their bites don’t hurt, which makes it difficult to know when you’ve been bitten.
Adult blacklegged ticks are most active in the spring and fall. They remain active until the air temperature is consistently below 4°C. Larvae and nymphs are most active in the spring and summer.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection, acquired from the bite of an infected blacklegged tick, and can be serious if it is not treated.
In most cases, a tick carrying the bacteria that can cause Lyme disease can only transmit the disease after attaching and feeding with blood for at least 24 hours.  
Blacklegged ticks are found throughout Nova Scotia. Individuals should refer to the Lyme Disease Estimated Risk Areas Map to check which areas are at higher risk.
One of the most common symptoms of Lyme disease is a rash that’s sometimes shaped like a bull's-eye. The rash occurs on the same site as the bite. Other symptoms include:
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle aches
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
These symptoms may appear in stages, or over time. If you’ve been exploring outdoors, especially in wooded areas, forests, areas where tall grasses and or shrubs are present, or have found a tick on your body, and show these symptoms, see a healthcare provider.

Lyme Disease on the Nova Scotia Open Data Portal

Lyme Disease is a communicable disease which, under the Health Protection Act, must be reported to Medical Officers of Health. Data on Lyme Disease is captured as part of the Department of Health and Wellness's Notifiable Disease program and included as part of four datasets released on the Nova Scotia Open Data Portal:
Each of these datasets has filtered views and charts created specific to Lyme Disease.
Lyme Disease counts and rates are presented as one of two categories, Confirmed or Probable. More information on how these categories are determined can be found on the Department of Health and Wellness' Surveillance Guidelines for notifiable Diseases and Conditions for Lyme Disease.

Lyme Disease Counts and Rates (Displays Confirmed, Probable)

Lyme Disease: Confirmed and Probable Cases

Lyme Disease Counts by Zone (Total for All Years)

Lyme Disease Counts by Sex (Confirmed and Probable)

Lyme Disease Counts by Age (Confirmed and Probable)

How to Reduce Risk of Lyme Disease

“Just as we apply sunscreen to protect from the sun’s harmful rays, it’s just as important to protect ourselves from tick bites. Be tick-aware while you’re outside, and diligent about tick checks.”
- Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health
There are several ways to prevent or reduce contact with ticks, including wearing light colored clothing with a tight weave and enclosed shoes, tucking pants into socks and ensuring skin is covered, and wearing insect repellent with DEET or Icaridin. Permethrin treated clothing repels and kills ticks when they come in contact with it and is now registered for use in Canada for those 16 years of age and older
It is also important to do a thorough tick check after outdoor activities. Ticks like warm places on the body. Refer to the Tick Check Basics Poster for more information.
How to Remove a Tick
Remove a tick as soon as you find it:
  • Carefully grasp the tick with tweezers, getting as close to the skin as you can.
  • Gently and slowly pull the tick straight out - do not jerk, twist or squeeze it.
  • Wash the site with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer.
Always contact your healthcare provider if you have found a tick and show the symptoms noted above.

Learn More

Learn more by watching videos produced by the federal government in English or French, and the video below,  shared with permission from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, that helps families learn how to protect themselves from ticks and Lyme disease. 

Helpful Links

More information on ticks, Lyme disease, and how to protect yourself can be found using these links:

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