The Ecological Land Classification (ELC) for Nova Scotia provides a hierarchical mapping of the province's forest ecosystems into ecosections, ecodistricts and ecoregions. It includes interpretation of the dominant natural disturbance regimes and potential climax forests at the ecosection level.
The Ecological Land Classification (ELC) for Nova Scotia provides a hierarchical mapping of the province's forest ecosystems into ecosections, ecodistricts and ecoregions. It includes interpretation of the dominant natural disturbance regimes and potential climax forests at the ecosection level.
The Ecological Land Classification (ELC version 2015) for Nova Scotia provides a hierarchical mapping of the province's forest ecosystems into ecosections, ecodistricts and ecoregions. It includes interpretation of the dominant natural disturbance regimes and potential climax forests at the ecosection level.
The Ecological Land Classification (ELC version 2015) for Nova Scotia provides a hierarchical mapping of the province's forest ecosystems into ecosections, ecodistricts and ecoregions. It includes interpretation of the dominant natural disturbance regimes and potential climax forests at the ecosection level.
Polygons for all lands in the province as described in the Photo Interpretation Specifications. Includes water, forested and non-forested areas with additional identification of fresh water wetlands and coastal habitat area classifications. Forested stands include attributes for tree species, percentage, height and crown closure, plus calculated values such as volume.
The dataset contains information relating to forestry-related trades education, associations, education, innovation, education/macro-credentials, institutions, and research.
The dataset contains information relating to forestry-related trades education, associations, education, innovation, education/macro-credentials, institutions, and research.