Winter LOS is a GIS file that depicts the Department of Public Work's Winter Maintenance Levels of Service on all Department of Public Works' owned roadways. The definitions associated with Winter Levels of Service can be found at
This web layer was developed to show areas of Nova Scotia where there is a relative high-, medium- or low-risk of uranium in bedrock water wells. The high-risk zone is defined as bedrock units where more than 15% of well water samples exceed the uranium drinking water guideline of 20 μg/L. In the medium-risk zone, between 5% and 15% of well water samples exceed the guideline and in the low-risk areas less than 5% of well water samples exceed the guideline. The risk zones were developed based on the analysis published in the open file report ‘A Uranium in Well Water Risk Map for Nova Scotia based on Observed Uranium Concentrations in Bedrock Aquifers’:
Winter LOS is a GIS file that depicts the Department of Public Work's Winter Maintenance Levels of Service on all Department of Public Works' owned roadways. The definitions associated with Winter Levels of Service can be found at