The dataset is a list of property tax rates that are applicable in each municipality in the Province. These rates are applied to property assessment (based on market value) which can change from year to year. The convention is to express the tax rate as per $100 of assessment e.g., Amherst's residential rate is $1.63 per $100 of assessment.
The dataset includes crime statistics from law enforcement agencies operating in Nova Scotia. It is based on police-reported incidents of crime reported through the national Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR). Statistics include the Crime Severity Index (CSI), the Violent Crime Severity Index (VCSI), and the Non-violent Crime Severity Index (NVCSI). Data source: Statistics Canada.
Public Works operates seven ferries. All are links in our provincial highway system and include: Four cable ferries: LaHave - Lunenburg County; Country Harbour, Guysborough County; Little Narrows, Victoria County; Englishtown, Victoria County. Three ocean-going, self-propelled ferries: Tancook Island – Chester; Petit Passage at Digby Neck; Grand Passage at Digby Neck. Content within this dataset relates to the operations schedules for all ferries.
Nova Scotia Government Pay scales based upon effective period start and end dates. Columns include: Start Date, End Date, Pay Plan Type, Pay Plan, Pay Plan Level, Biweekly Pay Rate, Hourly Pay Rate
The dataset is a list of property tax rates that are applicable in each municipality in the Province. These rates are applied to property assessment (based on market value) which can change from year to year. The convention is to express the tax rate as per $100 of assessment e.g., Amherst's residential rate is $1.63 per $100 of assessment.