The data set includes various health service-related metrics and indicators related to the Nova Scotia Health. The data is collected from multiple sources within the health system, including the Need a Family Practice Registry, Primary Care Electronic Medical Records, Hospital Registration systems and Virtual Care platforms. The data is aggregated and anonymized to ensure privacy and does not contain any personally identifiable health information. This data set is used to build the Action for Health Public Reporting and the goal of this project is to provide accessible healthcare information to the general public, researchers, and analysts in order to improve understanding and foster improvements in the healthcare system in Nova Scotia
The data set includes various health service-related metrics and indicators related to the Nova Scotia Health. The data is collected from multiple sources within the health system, including the Need a Family Practice Registry, Primary Care Electronic Medical Records, Hospital Registration systems and Virtual Care platforms. The data is aggregated and anonymized to ensure privacy and does not contain any personally identifiable health information. This data set is used to build the Action for Health Public Reporting and the goal of this project is to provide accessible healthcare information to the general public, researchers, and analysts in order to improve understanding and foster improvements in the healthcare system in Nova Scotia
The data set includes various health service-related metrics and indicators related to the Nova Scotia Health. The data is collected from multiple sources within the health system, including the Need a Family Practice Registry, Primary Care Electronic Medical Records, Hospital Registration systems and Virtual Care platforms. The data is aggregated and anonymized to ensure privacy and does not contain any personally identifiable health information. This data set is used to build the Action for Health Public Reporting and the goal of this project is to provide accessible healthcare information to the general public, researchers, and analysts in order to improve understanding and foster improvements in the healthcare system in Nova Scotia
The dataset includes crime statistics at the provincial and police service levels. It is based on police reported incidents of crime reported through the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR). Statistics include the crime severity index, violent crime severity index, and non-violent crime severity index overall for provincial and police service levels. The Youth Crime Severity Index is based on the same principles as the overall Crime Severity Index, which reflects the seriousness of offences, but uses the number of youths accused instead of an incident count. Statistics included are: youth crime severity index, youth violent crime severity index and youth non-violent crime severity index for provincial level data only. This data is sourced from Statistics Canada through CANSIM.
The dataset includes incident-based crime statistics at the provincial and police service level. Statistics include the number of incidents of offences and rates per 100,000 population for total Criminal Code violations (excluding traffic), total violent Criminal Code violations, total property crime violations, and total "other" Criminal Code violations. This data is sourced from Statistics Canada through CANSIM.